Saturday, February 02, 2008

EJU want to change rules of Judo

UchiKomi Doug recently sent me some details of some proposed EJU rule changes, he has listed below his opinion, what do you think?

The EJU is considering the following changes to the current contest rules:
Ippon for osae-komi after 20 seconds, contrary to the current 25
Abolishment of koka
Abolishment of any hand sign for the referee to indicate shido
Abolishment of the 1 referee and 2 judges, reduction to a sole referee per mat
Abolishment of the equation that 2 waza-ari equal 1 ippon, with now the number of waza-ari during a contest becoming unlimited just like it is now for koka and yuko
It is time we got rid of all those ridiculous Japanese terms, Judo is now an international sport not some sort of ancient Japanese ritual. Score like they do in Sambo/Sombo 1pt indicated thumb, 2pts two fingers, 4pts 4 fingers, Total Victory like Ippon. No verbal commands referee wears blue and red armband, Bout startrs and stops on a whistle.The reason Judo Competition is on the decline is that the rules have made it boring to watch and compete in. Sombo/Sambo is on the increase because it is exciting to watch and compete in, something Judo was 20 years ago.I suggest that all Judoka keep to the philosophy and Kata of Judo but take up Sombo/Sambo competition

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