Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I have been involved in Judo for 53 years and I am always bemused by those Judoka who believe that Judo is the only form of jacket Wrestling, these Judoka are convinced that they are purists and believe practising any other style of grappling will ruin there Judo! RUBBISH.

As the years went by I thought this attitude had changed the BJA are now employing Russian Coaches who have Sambo Champions as well as Judo champions, they have realised that to win International Competitions you have to be versatile and innovative, if Judo do not win medals they do not get a grant and that will effect all Judoka whether you believe Judo is a sport or a Martial Art.

The other day I came across a group of Judoka all Dan Grades bemoaning how Judo had changed, how standards had dropped because Sambo Players had become involved in Judo and turned it into a bad form of wrestling with no big throws. Well this is where I stepped in, my first question have you seen any World Class Sambo Tournaments? The answer was NO; I then asked how you can make such a sweeping statement without any knowledge is not just wrong but is unintelligent, I explained that Sambo has very high throws as does Kurash and Belt Wrestling and can only benefit Judoka. Obviously this remark created a heated discussion, I then asked the question when was Judo at its best in the late 60’s and 70’s they all replied before any of this wrestling rubbish got involved a further question was apart from the Japanese who was the leading Judoka. Of course the answer was the Soviet Union and all of their Judo players were Sambo Players, I remember meeting Soviet Judoka and them telling me that they never had a grading system, let alone done Kata, to them Judo was just another form of Olympic Grappling. Yet after saying that they had to abide by the Rules of Judo and even after abiding by rules alien to them they could still win Olympic and World Titles. So if Judo Competition is being ruined it is by the people who invent the Rules i.e. International Judo Federation.
Of course the discussion then moves on to personal insults things like “You do not like Judo because you did no go the Olympic Games in 1980” “as a non BJA member you have issues”, as some one who has been involved in politics you know when some one is losing an argument they start becoming personal yet reply I must. Firstly I said the only issue I have had with the BJA was that I was not allowed to belong to any other Judo organisation, I felt this to be deeply offensive and undemocratic, that has now changed, not only do I have a BJA license my IBF members have actively got involved in getting graded and getting BJA coaching awards, 4 of my students have won Kent International medals, my son John had his 4th recognised as well as being selected to fight for the South. Of I love Judo as an 8th Dan how couldn’t I but I am addicted to Sambo I feel the fighting is far superior to modern day Judo it is explosive, exciting innovative, the scoring is simpler and the scores easy to understand, yet Judo is much more then just fighting it is a philosophy for life as I get older I can see that I can see how valuable Kata is and why Jigaro Kano put so much emphasis on the subject but as some one who was a competitor of a reasonable standard I can understand why the young prefer to contest and I still get a buzz out of some one doing the perfect throw.
We then moved on to Club practise all of them thought that a Club practise is ideal for training for competition, I again disagreed I said at Club level you two types of Judo Recreational and Competitive and listening to these people all they done was recreational. Recreational is fun Judo which I expect 85% of Judoka want to do, most do not want be over stretched they have get up for work in the morning, they love things like Uchi Komi, a little bit of Kata s long as not much throwing and of course the Ne Waza here they can roll around the ground without any injury, you not over excerpted and you can have a good time. Would a Competitive Players spend hours in Ne Waza training of Course not, they would know that in Judo you would be lucky to have 45 seconds on the floor trying holds or submissions, so their training would be a maximum 1 minute in Ne Waza start again, Uchi Komi a good warm but you need to throw your Uki to get the feeling of the full throw and contest would be full bloodied. I am always bemused when some one says so and so is good on the ground that normally means they do not like standing work but who cares if they are not a competitor they enjoy that part of Judo. The Judoka who annoys me most is the one who will only do bits of the class, I do not do any standing contest, I only do ground work, no I do not believe in the fitness training and finally the talkative one when you trying to contest they will say you can not do that its not in the rules, that technique is banned, You are not allowed to grip like that, this is not true Judo. Thank God we only get the odd one turn up occasionally that is normally only the once.

My only form of Jacket Wrestling from 1955 till 1974 was Judo since 1974 I practised Free Style Wrestling, Sambo Wrestling, Kurash, Belt Wrestling, Canaria Lucha, Greco Roman Wrestling, Sport Jiu Jitsu, CombatSombo Wrestling and I have won medals in Judo, Sambo, Free Style and Jiu Jitsu. They have all have enhanced my knowledge and I have never got the rules mixed up when I entered different tournaments more importantly if I lost I never made the excuse I did not know the rules.

So to all those who believe that Judo is the only true way to enlightenment I am sorry to say you are wrong.

Martin Clarke 8th Dan judo Grandmaster Sambo

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